Hi there, I'm Minah!
I’m the blogger behind Niches and Earnings, the website you are in right now.
I’m happy and would love to connect with you guys and share the things I know about Blogging, SEO, and Website Building.
Aside from that, I will be talking about how to use social media to get traffic to your blog. Like many other bloggers, Pinterest is my favorite, so I’ll show why you should utilize Pinterest too!
Please continue to read on to know more about me and Niches and Earnings..

Well, maybe you’re wondering if you continue to stay on my site or not. I know the feeling, you might be thinking that you are just wasting your time being here.
But, let me tell you what, the feelings are mutual 😉. I don’t want to waste your time, neither mine.
So, if you are a :
- NEW BLOGGER who’s tired of watching YT videos with the hope that it will guide through your blog. Reading tons of blogs on how you can start your own;
- NEW TO SEO as you get information about blogging you learn how crucial SEO is in writing a blog post. You continue to watch different tutorials but still hopeless;
- NEW WEBSITE BUILDING and non techy person. You need a website in order for you to blog.
If you think you are that person…
This BLOG and everything in this WEBSITE is dedicated for you!
I ask you to stick with me because, like I said, I know the feeling of starting a blogging journey alone and without resources.
Here in Niches And Earnings, not only you will learn about blogging but also you will be reading blogs that goes along with it like:
- Different Niches to start with
- How you can establish a website and create an engaging blog posts around that niche
- How to write a blog that is SEO, and Keyword enrich
- Essential blogging tools
- How to use Social Media for your blog traffic
I’m already trying to fill up this website with boat loads of information so you wouldn’t have to jump from site to site or watching every single tutorials.
Niches and Earnings is made for New Bloggers like you!
Here's tiny bits about me

Again, it's Minah and that's my family!
That’s my husband who’s very supportive of me. He’s always got my back and he’s the one who pushes me if I feel like giving up. He gives me strength everyday.
Those 2 are my kids! My eldest (the human one lol!) He’s 11 and we’re buddies! I call him “my treasure” and reason I’m living. We love eating pizza while watching movies on our “movie night day”. And I’m very proud that until now, we still talk. He still tells me everything, I mean, you know when kids get to that “teenager” vibe, right? But, no matter he’s my world.
And finally my youngest. He’s a rescue pup. But, we didn’t rescue him. He rescued himself by coming to our shop in the middle of the night! lol! He’s like I need help, I need shelter. He was probably a month old then. And until now, he’s still with us. He loves us, he doesn’t like pictures that why looks like that! lol!
I (used to) work as an English teacher in different academies here in Korea. I started with kindergarten kids and eventually teach older kids, elemetary and middle school, when I decided to freelance.
I enjoy teaching as much as I love my students especially the kindergartens! They annoy you and make you laugh at the same time! Only kids can do that.
Oh, by the way I thought I’d share you a pic of these sweet little peas!
Just look at them
I’m good at my job and I can say that out loud.

The thing is, although I’ve been doing this job since 2009 I realize… I’m still on the same spot. Working for somebody. My experience in teaching grew and so is my position, but my salary? It did increased but not as much as it should be.
To resolve this, my husband and I thought of having our own private academy. Nut it requires a huge amount of money.
We do have an option to do it on smaller scale but, thr profit will not be enough as the competition is tight.
Then one day I ended up on a Korean teaching site, where you can sell teaching materials for kids. I’m good at crafts. So, I tried and earn a few bucks.
Since it’s not a digital product, they are all made by hand, it’s time consuming and the sale is not consistent.
So, I did my research — “How To Make Money Online” or “Work From Home” — (see? I’m exactly like you!!)
Then I came acoss with Affiliate Marketing and Blogging. And introduce me to Wealthy Affiliate platform.
Where I learn how to find my Niche, Build a website, Blogging, SEO, and Affiliate Marketing.
And that’s how I came up with Niches And Earnings.
START YOUR BLOG. Use this post.
The answer is… H*** yeah! It’s now or never.
Starting a blog is becoming more and more easy. And there’s a great opportunity for bloggers right now. Blogging can be the start of earning yourself the income that you’ve been dreaming of!

I created Niches and Earnings as a leeway for my business. And to document my “New Journey”, all of the things that I learned on the way and will be learning. I want to share it with YOU.
Feel free to look around and I hope you find value on every posts. And may you get all the information you need.
And in case, you find yourself lost, you have questions or anything at all, you can leave a comment , contact me using the form, or email me at minah@nichesandearnings.com
I will be more than happy to help you out.
You can get intouch with me through social media as well .
Great post! I felt that you put your passion into every word. Thats amazing that you sold teaching material and wrote by hand WOW! Congratulations on you finding WA .