What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog [for Beginners]
It seems that nowadays, everybody is blogging in one form or another. We are all got inspired by famous and successful bloggers we see on the internet, and on social media flexing about their success, profits, benefits they get, and all that stuff. Hoping that we can be like them.
I know it because, I felt like that. That’s why I’m here… BLOGGING. It’s also the reason why I created this post to inform you of What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog and this is intended for beginners.
10 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog :
- It is a real hard work.
- It won’t replace your job as quick as you imagine.
- It demands a huge amount of time.
- It is a lonely path [to success]
- It needs financial budget.
- Blogging environment regularly changes.
- You need to be good in time management.
- You should be well organized.
- You should be knowledgeable or self learner.
- You’ll be willing to expose yourself for social media presence.
The 10 things I listed above are the things I personally noticed since I entered the blogging world.
These are just during the initial stages of blogging when you are just starting out. The more you become successful the more hectic your schedule will be.
I know that this post might somehow contradict my previous article Should You Start A Blog in 2020? – Here’s How [for Beginners] where I talked about and gave you 7 Reasons why you should start a blog.
But it felt like it would be nice to share with you the things I discovered as I started blogging.
It’s not my intention to discourage you from starting a blog, but wouldn’t it be nice to know the “real” behind stories of blogging? Which, all bloggers are actually talking about.
They will just tell you how easy it is to Start A Blog, but what you are going to do after that, is a totally different story.
There are plenty of bloggers who became successful in a short period of time but be aware that there are also bloggers who are still struggling.
And to not to know these things might get you stuck which will lead you to quit blogging at the early stage.
Okay, I think I had enough intro. So, let’s dive into it, shall we?
10 Things You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog
1. It’s a real hard work.
![What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog [for Beginners]](
From the moment you decide that you want to start a blog, THE REAL HARD WORK BEGINS… What I meant by this is, the hard work starts on the very beginning such as :
In Choosing Domain Name – A lot of beginners spend a lot of time on thinking what domain name should go for. And most of the time the choices are, “Should I go for my own name?” or “Should I go for niche-focused domain name?”
In Choosing A Niche – If newbies get stressed out on what domain name should they choose, they also get stuck in deciding on their niche.
As you can see, the stress is already involve from the start.
And there comes the “blogging” itself. Although successful bloggers make look blogging so easy, you know? Seeing them traveling, enjoying life, and all that. We don’t actually see what’s behind those successes.
Starting and to run a blog specially for beginners is not a piece of cake. If you want your blog to succeed, you should prepare yourself to work for longer hours, in fact, longer than a normal job would require.
2. It won’t replace your job as quick as you imagine.
![What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog [for Beginners]](
So, let’s be honest here for a bit. I am very sure that one of the reasons why you want to start a blog is to earn money, right?
We read blog posts that say, “Do you want to ditch your 9-5 job and be your own boss?” or “Escape the rat race”. Reading those lines inspired a lot of people thinking that blogging would replace their job. Which is true, by the way.
But, blogging takes time. It’s not a rocket science. You need to be good at it, you need to be dedicated in other words, PERSEVERANCE. You need to be willing put out all your effort.
There is no short-cut to make money on blogging. If you are jobless right now, I’m sorry my friend, do not blog — get a job.
“There’s no short-cut to make money on blogging. If you’re jobless right now – DO NOT BLOG, GET A JOB”
3. It demands a huge amount of time.
As I said earlier, blogging requires a lot of time that may be longer that your normal job.
If you are a beginner and you can not outsource yet, like, hiring people to write blog post for you, expect that you are going to be in front of your computer doing research, and creating your post.
And also, you will see yourself working even on late nights while everybody is sleeping, on weekends when you should be relaxing or during your vacation. You will also notice that even if you are not sitting and typing in front of your computer, your brain is thinking constantly.
So, you are going to be in this “phase” or “stage” until you find ways or strategy to manage it.
4. It is a lonely path [to SUCCESS]
![What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog [for Beginners]](
In addition to the fact that, blogging is hard. It is also lonely. I’d like to call it, “A lonely path to success.”
Why? Because, I observe myself that I’ve spent hours not talking to anyone but myself and if it continues to happen I’m afraid that later on I would crave for some human connection.
It is okay if you could sit in a coffee shop to blog (like I used to before CoVid happened). But if you are just going to be at home to spend your time blogging, then, that could be a lonely ride.
So, the solution to this, is you should join a community where you can reach out if you need help, like for me, I have Wealthy Affiliate. Where members are sharing their tips or experiences.
Just by reading other people’s blog will be a great help as an intervention between you and your blogging. But, you should know when to stop and balance it as well.
- How to Write Your First Blog Post: Beginners’ Guide
- Best 7 Tips on How to Pick a Domain Name
- 200+ Blog Post Ideas for New Bloggers to Skyrocket Consistency
5. It needs financial budget.
![What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog [for Beginners]](
Yes. Blogging cost money. Not initially though. Because it is true that you can start for free. There blogging platforms that are free, WordPress has a lot of free themes you can use, free plugins etc.
But, you will need to spend money in the long run. To make the best out of your blog, you need to invest money for tools that you need like :
Buying your own domain name (which is very important), web hosting, email opt-in, tools for social media i.e social media sharing tools and graphic design, premium themes, and sometimes courses for you to grow as a blogger.
You can start blogging for free, but NOT. FREE. AT. ALL.
6. Blogging environment regularly changes.
To be in the “Blogging World” means that you must be capable of keeping up with algorithm changes.
Like for example, the strategies and technique for your blog to rank a year or a couple of years ago may or may not work on the present day or forward.
It doesn’t only happen in Google but also in most social media like Facebook, Instagram and other social network. These network changes for their business that we as bloggers, may find it hard to compete.
7. You need to be good in time management.
![What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog [for Beginners]](
As I mentioned earlier, blogging takes a lot of time from you, so it only makes sense that you should know how to manage your time correctly in order for you to be productive as a blogger.
Even a successful blogger needs to know how to manage his/her time if not it will affect his/her workflow. Because consistency is very important if you are a content creator such as blogging, YouTube videos or simply creating your content for your social media.
So, if a successful blogger, who already has a team that works for her/him, needs time management, then how much more a new blogger like you?
A new blogger is a one man show, you brainstorm (research keywords, SEO stuff) for your post, plan & create graphics for social media promotion, and if you make videos that goes along with your blog, then that’s another time-consuming part.
Everything will be okay if you’re blogging full time and single. But if you’re a mom or working with a full time job, then it’ll be chaos if you don’t know how to manage your time.
8. You should be well organized.
Well, like being able to manage your time, part of it is being organized.
Blogging includes tremendous planning in order for you to catch up with millions thousands of bloggers out there. That’s why it is recommended to use tools that will make all these organizing possible.
There are paid tools like :
- Asana
- Trello
- CoSchedule
That can do the job. But if you are just starting out and on a budget, then you may want to use free tools like:
- GoogleDocs
- GoogleSheets
The tools that I mentioned are just for planning your blog post or planning your content. There are other things beyond that like tracking your affiliate links, emails etc.
I will be talking about other Essential Tools for bloggers on my next post.
9. You should be knowledgeable or self learner.
![What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog [for Beginners]](
To write a blog is different from writing an essay. There are lot of things that you should know or knowledgeable of aside from just writing.
As a blogger you should know about :
- Keyword research
- Basic Search Engine Optimization and Analytics
- A little bit of graphic design
- Internal linking
- Basic coding *
- Use of social media
- etc
These may sound easy but if you are not on technical side and you’re a TOTAL NEWBIE to blogging, then these are the things you will need to learn by yourself luckily there are a lot of tutorials, e-courses, platform, and even blog posts that share about these stuff.
That’s the reason why, I mentioned that you have to be a self learner. Because, it will be difficult to find someone that will pound you all the information you need.
And if you will be choosing a teaching platform, you have to be wise too. Wealthy Affiliate has a huge community that helps each other, which is my major reason for joining the program.
10. You’ll be willing to expose yourself (or more) for social media presence.
This part is going to be a difficult part if you are an introvert like me.
Leveraging social media is necessary (although, not fully) if you are in a blogging world.
So to be in social media, you should be okay to share aside from your photos / videos but also a bit of your “personal” life. Studies say and when you check other blogger’s social media account, you’ll notice that they post something about their family or behind the scenes.
Why? Because, followers engage more if they know who are they following, its like sharing a little bit of your life makes them a part of it.

Alright, I know that there are many of you who will just skim through a post and not actually reading the whole thing, which hurts, by the way.
So here’s the summary of what I talked about.
What You Need To Know Before Starting A Blog [for Beginners]
1. It’s a Real Hard Work.
2. It Won’t Replace Your Job As Quick As You Imagine.
3. It Demands a Huge Amount of Time.
4. It is a Lonely Path [ to Success ]
5. It Needs Financial Budget.
6. Blogging Environment Regularly Changes.
7. You Need To Be Good In Time Management.
8. You should Be Well Organized.
9. You Should Be a Self Learner.
10. You’re Willing to Expose your “Life” for Social Media Presence.
These are the things that I discovered right after I decided to blog. I was also a newbie, though I used to blog before but it wasn’t like these days.
Back in the day, I blogged without thinking about SEO. I just treated blogging as an online journal.
But now, in present time, if you want your blog to thrive and monetize later on you should know a lot of things. That’s why I included “You should be knowledgeable or a self learner” in the list of 10 Things You Should Know Before Starting A Blog.
You can check my post here where I talk about blogging during the older times.
I would like to stressed out that I didn’t create this post to discourage you from starting your own blog but instead I’m trying to open up your eyes and be ready on what to expect once you started your blogging journey.
If you know what’s going to happen, then you will know how to prepare yourself. Like for example, now that you are expecting that Blogging Needs Financial Budget, then you won’t be surprise later on even though that there are bloggers telling you, you can start a blog for free.
I’m worried that maybe some of you might feel discourage after reading this but, please don’t be because there are 7 Amazing Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog.
Well, now it’s your turn. Have you started a blog? If yes, how did you manage it? What difficulties you experienced as a new blogger? What did you do to cope up with it?
Please do share your experience down the comment below, I would like to hear it and for sure others would like to hear and learn form it too.
See you on my next post.

Hi there! This is Minah, the blogger behind of Niches and Earnings | Start A Blog.
I created this website to be a place where you can get information on how you can start your blog. Also tips on blogging, how to use social media for your blog and make money in the cofort of your home.
Let’s connect on social media too!
These facts are good to know and I agree to all of them!
Can I add at least one more though?
Well, when you blog or writing a blog a tend to sit all day, so, I can say that it’s not good for health and posture too.
I think it’s really important to have some
interventions in between or force yourself to move around or stretch your body for a bit.
no. 4 and 5 are on point and the sad part is no one talks about it. I can imagine feeling really alone managing your blog and if there’s a problem and you aren’t tech-savvy enough to fix it, and no one’s there to help (for free) it can really be a bummer. Also, yes, I think blogging requires money and it kind of makes it a privilege. I struggle with that too and it sucks. Love this post, Minah. Thanks for sharing! xx