4 Easy Steps to Build Your Free Website ( for Beginners )
Having a website is becoming common nowadays. Whether you have an online or offline business, you opt to have a website that would represent you, your products, services, and your brand. But, not all of us here are experienced and tech savvy so, building your own website ( for free ) could be a struggle specially to newbies.
Thus, how can you build your own website yourself? This article will teach you on how and no worries it is easy as ABC. There are 4 Easy Steps to Build Your OWN Free Website this is intended to help beginners and newbies alike. Right after you’re done with your research on which platform you’re going build your website, you follow it with Figuring what kind of website do you want, next is Choose your website’s domain name, thirdly, Coming up your website title, and lastly, Choosing your website design.
And did I mentioned that is for FREE? Yes, you heard it right. You can have your OWN website up and running in 4 Easy and Simple Steps! for Free!
I’ll explain each steps further on this post so, stay with me alright?
But, let me just quickly point out the importance of having your own website before I proceed.
Importance of Building Your OWN Website
There are several things to show you the importance of having a website, whether it’s for your offline / online business or for just showing of your hobbies. I’ll just name a few :
Website Makes You Reachable
One of the importance of having a website is that, it makes building communication between you and your readers/audience/prospects even more greater.
Unlike the old days, someone must go to the physical location of the shop to make transaction, check out the goods or the merchandise, and to know more about a certain company or establishment. Which is kind of inconvenient, one has to schedule when to visit, but, what if it’s holiday? Or it’s already late?
With website, it allows your audience to reach you whenever possible. And same thing with you, because you will able to reach out to your customer as well. It’s like having your store open for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Website Showcases What You Offer
Having your own website, means you have the ability to showcase what you have to offer, whether its physical or digital products, and your services as well. Like for example, if you are a coach (life, health etc).
You can show it to your potential customers by creating content. Either in a form of blogs or videos and even through a podcast. So you make sure that your product is well presented and relevant to make a good impression to your audience.
Who could be your potential customers in a long run. You should hooked them up to every content you create to ensure that they will do business with you and not with your competitor.
For newbies, need help how make your blog look like a pro? Here’s the post that can help you!
Website Shows Your Credibility
In today’s digital world, more and more people are using the internet to search for their needs, to search for solutions to their problems.
You have questions? Where do you go? ———> GOOGLE. You want to create or DIY something? ———> YOUTUBE. You want some inspiration for a new outfit? ————> INSTAGRAM. You want to be aware of the NEWS? or who won the OSCAR? ————-> TWITTER.
Most people these days, depend on the internet and even social media, to acquire information and look for answers to their problems. And all those sources, lead to one place : A WEBSITE.
A website shows everything about you and your company. It shows images of your products, reviews of other customers. It shares information about who you are that includes your other social media platform to prove that you’re a “real person”. A website shows your customers how and where to reach you.
Those are the things in which your customers base if you are reliable, if they can trust you. Hence, your website shows that you are credible.
Put yourself into your customers’ shoes for a second and answer this question: Would you trust a company or a business that doesn’t have a telephone number or physical address?
NO! A big fat no. I won’t either. And the same can be said for not having a website.
I myself, check a website first before I engage in any company.
Here’s related posts that you may want to read :
How To Build A Niche Website – A Beginner Friendly Guide
What You Should Know About Wealthy Affiliate : An Honest Review
Now that you know a few of the important facts of having a website (and why you should have one), let’s proceed on How To Build Your Own Website In 4 Easy Steps.
Like what I said, your website serves as your storefront, like an actual window display of a shop. Where people or your audience can see what you have showcased for them, they able to see what you offer as they pass by, and it can be a product of your own (digital or services) or it can be from someone that you are promoting as an affiliate.
Because of that, you would want to build your website and to make sure that your audience/readers get the best experience when they visit your site without you having the need to pay for an expensive web designer.
Building your own website can be pretty daunting to many especially to those newbies out there. Some of you might think that you need to be tech-savvy in order for you to create one. I know that for sure, because, I felt the same. But, here I am– you’re actually at my site, right? ?
Another thing that most of you think is that, if it’s FREE website— then it’ll be a low quality.
Why? Because, it is the stigma of the word “FREE” you picture it as a cheap and poor-quality website that won’t get you any traffic at all.
But, I discovered a solution for that. And that’s why I’m here to show that you can build your own website for free in 4 easy and simple steps.
In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to build your website for free in 4 easy steps using the things that I learned from the best online training platform: Wealthy Affiliate. Rest assured that if you follow these steps you will have your own professional website up and running in less than a minute.
Choosing the platform to build your website with is crucial. You can think of it as looking for a land/lot to build your own house. You want to build your “home” in a place that is accessible to hospital, school, transportation, supermarkets and stuff. You don’t want to build your house in a cave or on top of the mountain, right?
That is why, choosing your virtual land is very important.
There are many website platforms / builders where you can build your own website. Like Wix or Squarespace, to name a couple. Since these two are website builders, it is easy to create your website by using drag & drop but there are few drawbacks.
One is, it limited when it comes to designing your website. And also if it’s FREE, you should expect to spend some cash for additional functionality to make your website at its best. Such as security, good hosting, and many more.
And these can be a little bit struggle for a beginner who is a total newbie to online world. But with Wealthy Affiliate, they handle everything you need, from hosting to site security and even site speed. Their technical support is really fast too.
Beside, nothing beats the features and security when you build your website through SiteRubix of Wealthy Affiliate.
What is SiteRubix? You ask.
SiteRubix is a web hosting platform created by the same people who created Wealthy Affiliate. SiteRubix is specialized in providing a secure, robust and FAST platform for you to run your website.
Okay, I’m excited! Let’s build your own website in 4 easy steps around whatever niche you are in. Wealthy Affiliate already did the technical work so building your own website couldn’t be easier, as I said you’ll have your website up and running in 30 seconds!
The 4 Steps are :
1. Figuring out what kind of website do you want.

In this first step, you have to choose whether you’re going to build your site for free or your with your OWN domain. As a starter members / free members you can build and host up to 1 website for FREE. And Premium members can build and host 1 free website and 10 sites on your own domains.
2. Choosing a domain name for your website.

This is the part where you decide on how you want to name your website. This is going to be your brand from now and the day forward.
You have to think of a name that correlates with your chosen niche. Or if you prefer to have a personal brand, you may use your name as well.
I’ll set my site as an example. My website is about finding a niche and make some earnings from it, so I called it
I struggled with this one, honestly. Don’t be like me! Don’t over think of it! Do not spend days on thinking for the perfect name. Anyway, it’s the content you create that will help you rank and drive traffic.
If possible, using .com will give you authority and it can make your site more trust worthy.
3. Title for your website.

This should match your domain name. But this should be with proper spacing, unlike your domain name. You can change this anytime so (although you probably would stick to it), don’t spend too much time on this one.
4. Choosing your design.

The last step, choosing your design or theme for your website.
It will be like choosing your outfit on how you would like to present your brand to the world.
Wealthy Affiliate builds websites using WordPress Themes, which we all know, the widely used platform on the internet. As a free member, you will have access to 12, highly-picked quality designs. Plus, you make sure that it is responsive, mobile friendly and delivers a great experience to your audience.
As a premium member, you will have access to over 2,464 designs to choose from! Again, don’t spend so much time on this one, you can change it easily if you need to down the road.
All right! that’s the last step and you’re done! You probably have a running website that is ready to be customized and be filled with your amazing content!
To sum it up, if you are truly serious and want to know how you can build your own website for free or not, the most important factor to consider first is… Where you are going to build it, what platform that you are going to use.
If you are new to building a website, or you categorize yourself as non-tech savvy, then, don’t you think it will be much better to settle on a platform that has been in the business for a long time? a platform that has been proven to work effectively?
Please be reminded that your website is the main foundation of any online business you may want to get into. Therefore, it is only reasonable to build it on the right platform, the best platform to build your website to ensure your success.
And Wealthy Affiliate can help you to achieve it.
Wealthy Affiliate provides you easy to follow training made by experts who have been successful in the business. Wealthy Affiliate has been around since 2005. If that doesn’t appear to be stable and sturdy for you to trust, then, I’m out of answer.
Plus, you’ll get 100% full support of a huge community, so there’s no way you’ll get lost. A community with like-minded people with same goal as you, and always willing to help. Which gives you advancement in the competition.
If you wish to know more about Wealthy Affiliate read my full review here. Or you can begin Creating Your Free Starting Account. I can’t wait to see you inside!
Your Thoughts
How about you? Do you have a better idea on how to build your own website for free? Do you already have your own website? Where did you build it? Do you think I missed some information that you would like to add? If so, let’s talk about it in the comments below.
I would like to hear your experiences when you created your own website too. Is it also for free? In what niche?
Thanks and wishing you success!


Hi there! This is Minah, the blogger behind of Niches and Earnings | Start A Blog.
I created this website to be a place where you can get information on how you can start your blog. Also tips on blogging, how to use social media for your blog and make money in the cofort of your home.
Let’s connect on social media too!
Thanks for your helpful post on how to build a website. Before I set up my site with Wealthy Affiliate, I was complete lost and never though I would be able to grow an online audience.
The great thing about WA is they provide not only hosting, but an very helpful community and training for those who wish to get top rankings on Google. Their teachings and methods remain highly effective for internet marketers and local businesses.
That’s true Stefan!
What I really about WA, is the community who are always willing to
help and share their knowledge, their experiences.
Excellent article! What a great way for people to jump right in and get their feet wet without having to spend money right away. People can find out if they’re headed in the right direction without spending too much time and effort.
Thanks John for finding this post helpful.
Yes, isn’t great? At least you can try it first before spending a dime.
Building a website can be one of those skills that is easily over-thought. This guide simplifies the process and is really easy to follow and understand. Great work! My first website I built using html code and a cheap hosting company, it was a long process but definitely learned a lot about web design in the process. These days, using website building tool like you recommend, and the great tools like WordPress make it easy for anyone, any age or skill level to make their own website with a very low barrier to entry. I made a website in the Technology Reviewing Niche 🙂 and one in the make money online niche, building them up slowly day by day.
Thanks for dropping by Will.
Yes indeed! I can’t imagine how difficult it is to build a website way back then!
HTML codes scares me, even upto now.
With the advancement we have these days, even a kid can build a website.
And it made more easy by the platform Wealthy Affiliate. So its like
building a website by yourself is just 4 steps away!
Really good page! Clear instructions for creating a homepage. I who have never made a homepage or are any computer wizard now understand how to make a homepage. It doesn’t look very difficult, at least: D
Thanks Janne! Yeah, same here I thought
building a website yourself would very difficult, but with the advancement
and a platform like Wealthy Affiliate, building a website is just
3 steps away.
Great post, I love Wealthy Affiliate and it is a great tool to help you fully manage your website for your online needs.
Thanks Carlton for dropping by.
Glad to hear that you’re enjoying your stay at WA.
I’m glad to have come across this excellent post. It’s certainly for someone who is starting out in website building, and willing to learn the basics of getting a single site up and running. I may not be a newbie myself, but I’ve used some of these steps in getting my first website up early on. They were helpful, and not as difficult as I thought it would.
It’s amazing how things have gotten easier over time. 15 years ago, doing all the coding and nitty-gritty work of building a website was the way to do it back then. Fortunately, it’s so much easier to the point where anyone can build a website in less than a half-hour. It’s an easier process to go through now.
Thanks for sharing- a really great read and refresher!
Hi Eric I’m glad that you find my post great.
Indeed bak in the day you really have to hae a knowledge with coding– you really hae to be
a tech savvy or you to create a decent website.
But now, with the advancement we have, even a kid who knows how to read and follow instructions
will be able to put up his/ her website.
So, it really with just 4 simple steps.
This is such a simple article to follow on how to start a website. I will be using Wealthy Affiliate to get one up and running. Thank you so much for this info!! I can’t wait to start a blog.
Thanks Katy, glad you finid my post helpful.
Wow!! So interesting!! I like the way you bring it, it’s easy to follow and also inviting. It is very helpful. Keep doing the good job!
There’s a lot of debate lately whether you should build a website like yours, for example, or go with one-page sites like ClickFunnels. But I believe that classic multi-page/blog sites are a much better choice for many reasons. The reason number one is that you can become an authority in any niche you want and therefore, have an online ‘real-estate’ that will stand there for years to come. Thanks for sharing your guide. I’ll try out your recommendation!
Indeed, that’s one of the reason why some people remain as old school.
And yes I’ve of Clickfunnels and BuilderAll before, to be honest I want to try
the latter because of the commission that they offer–but I already put up the site,
and I’ve read negative reviews as well.
Finally I found what I was looking for!
Someone who tells you step-by-step how to open your own website and guides you with content , pictures and instructions!
Thank you and keep up with the good work.
Thanks Dor for stopping by.
And I’m happy that you find my post helpful.
If you have questions, please feel free to ask.
This really looks easy, but I am still scared of creating my own website. I mean, not actually creating but how to write articles and add content. I am not sure I am talented enough to write articles that will attract many people.
How you became so good at writing articles? Are you a writer?
Thank you.
Hi Strahinja, Thanks for finding my post helpful.
And thanks that you thought of me as a writer =)
But, I’m not. Writing an article is hard especially for me. I always have to deal
with writer’s block! It normally takes me a week to finish a 2000-word blog post.
I have to read it all over again, check for errors, typos, grammar. I’m very careful since,
I’m not an English speaker.
It takes a while and a lot of practice.
Hi Minah,
I look at a website just like I would at a local store which is displaying their products for sale. Is the website easy to navigate, what is the product and services they are providing, and is the website creditable. Your post goes a long way in showing newbies like myself, how to build a website using Wealthy Affiliate so that we can show case our products. I like simple & your 4 steps shows us the way to start. It’s also great that Wealthy Affiliates gives you support when you need it along the way. Thanks for the information.
Hi Bob,
So true, website plays a crucial role of presenting “you”. That’s why, it make sense to be wise where to put or build it.
Before I became a premium member of WA, I was considering of building my site somewhere else or I thought of using other website builder as well–
but, since I’m new to it and not a technical person, I realized it would be a disaster for me!
And here in WA, they take care of everything, help is always available, that’s why I chose to have my site within WA.
Great post! I agree about how great Wealthy Affiliate is too! They have helped me to build an awesome website based off my own passions!
Thanks Jessie for dropping by.
I’m glad that you are a WA member too!
So I guess, I’ll see in other side? lol
You definitely will!!
I love the way you explained everything in easy to understand terms any newbie could relate to. I built a few wordpress sites before joining Wealthy Affiliate, but certainly didn’t have the knowledge they teach to make it successful.
Thanks Kathy!
It is true that it is easy to build site these days with the advancement we have right now.
Plus, WA makes it more easier.
I absolutely love your article and the layout.
Very well written and informative
Thanks Jerome for dropping by!
Thanks a lot for such an amazing article and sharing it with us.
I joined on this Wealthy Affiliate platform in November and i must to admin that it was my best decision i ever made. I tried to create some sites and do all the training’s but I still have a lot to learn. With this help of your site I have found new information’s that I will use in my journey. I like a lot these steps described by you because it helps me a lot to save time and create my website in just few minutes. Even so, for success to come we must have a lot of patience, and especially ambition and determination.
If you don’t mind, i want to share this article on my social media account. Wish you all the best !
I’m happy that you are enjoying your time in WA.
To be in online business is a learning process but you’ll get there, we’ll get there!
Thanks for this post on how to build a website, about some months back when I started the online marketing I was told I have to get my own website to be sharing my personal post there, and then I got it and I made it on the wealthy affiliate site and ever since then I have been making a progress with my business online, so I think to get a good domain is one of the best things to make money online
I am glad to have read this excellent post on how to build a website. It is so easy, I don’t know why I was so nervous to get started! Your easy, 4-step process is completely understandable, and your article is very informative.
Glad you like my post, Jessica.
It is easy to build your own website these days.
Like I said… you’re just 4 steps away of building or having your own website.
I can only resonate with whatever you have said because it is simply the truth. Thanks for your honesty here. Nothing beats the selection of a niche when ir comes to the online woe world. Theselection of a niche can either make or mar a business and as such, it is always started at the onset to clearly state out what the business is all about
Thanks Rodarrick!
I found your article very useful and informative. I used a siterubix platform for creating my website . It’s available on WEALTHY affiliate and I followed all the steps provided by the WA training platform .
Siterubix are very good for beginners who wish to create website for promoting their online bussiness
Well Thanks for sharing this useful post on how to build your free website in four easy steps
I’m glad you found my post helpful.
Siterubix is indeed very good for beginners, it is simple and straight forward.
Just wow, what a great post you have here! it has everything you need to build a website even for beginners. It is really informative and explained in detail. Super!
Thanks Gediminas for finding my post informative.
Indeed wealthy affiliate is a great platform to build a website. It is very simple and straightforward, and it’s great that you can try it for free and upgrade if you are happy with the site.
You explained in great detail the steps to building a site.
Yes, very true.
That’s what made me to premium member. At least I got to look around
see and tried it for myself first to see if WA would fit me.
Hey there. It wasn’t until Wealthy Affiliate that I got my website up and running. As you said already, the process seems to be very long and cost a ton, but Wealthy Affiliate lets you get one up and running in under a minute. FOR FREE! Not only that, but it is very easy! Thank you for this post and I am sure it will help many people. It sure did help me.
Thank you for the concise article on this important topic. I like the points around why you need to have your own website and I agree. It is important to make your own mark and also showcase what you are passionate about.
Off course the community is so helpful and selfless out here that it makes a huge difference compared to any other platform.
Thanks Srini for stopping by.
Glad you agree. It is important to have a website to showcase what you have to offer.
That’s thhe reason why you have to be careful on choosing the platform where
you gonna build it.
What a great article, people are always looking for ways to start there own website and in such a way that it is affordable, I love that you can start for free and once you begin the training it is just a no brainer to become a premium member.
Thanks Kay sharing your insights.
That’s right it is true that people nowadays are looking for ways
to build their website– that’s I decided to create an article that
will solve that query.
Have a good day, and Merry Christmas!
Hi Minah;
Thanks for your detail in setting up a business-making website. I appreciate all the detail and work you’ve done to share the steps necessary in getting started. I would say you represent Wealthy Affiliate nicely.
The best of everything to you,
Hi Joanie, thanks for stopping by.
I wouls like my readers especially newbies, to find my post as their guide
to creating their website, so I tried to put all the information they might be needing to get started.
Thanks again.
Hi there,
Your overall website is easy to read and navigate, which is a big deal. You’ve simplified the WA training in such a way that it answers some questions I had when first starting out at WA.
Good Job!
Love your page. I like the design – it makes me feel you are a truthworty person
Thanks Alex for stopping by!
I’m glad you like my site and find me trustworthy.
I really don’t know what else to say except it is informational, it’s an action taking page, easy to read and follow. I like it very much. You are on to something very big. I am following you. Great stuff.
Not to par with yours, but how about a REVIEW of this page on my site? It would be helpful to me. Thanks in advance.
Easy Talk – with Clarence
I have been thinking about creating my own website for my baking and have tried different platforms but I get so frustrated because they seem to be very complicated. Thank you for showing me another platform that can help me start again.
Hi Leslie,
Thanks for dropping by to my site. And I’m happy that somehow my post help you.
So, you’re into baking? That’s gonna be interesting.
You have to choose a theme that will showcase your work!
Best wishes on your website!
I am a complete beginer in this field. Thank your for your post. I was searching how to make a decent page for my tennis club. I start right tomorrow building a page. Keep the good work.
Hi Alex,
Thanks for dropping by.
I’m glad that you find my site helpful.
Good luck on your website!